Digital applications have transformed advisers’ operations and brought substantial benefits for efficiency and client convenience. With email largely supplanting snail mail, the rise of digital approval options is a sure sign that the wet signature is doomed to the same fate as the stamp.

Technology has profoundly transformed business operations, enhancing efficiency, productivity, and overall competitiveness. With encryption and identity verification, digital signatures now offer greater security than traditional handwritten ones, especially in the context of digital transactions and electronic documents.

Traceability and time stamping has increased the auditability of digital authorisations, giving them a clear advantage over paper for regulatory compliance.

Moreover, the speed and convenience of electronic approvals allow advisers to implement strategies and secure client authorisations swiftly, providing a better overall experience for clients.

Flexibility to suit your clients

Advisers can tailor the authorisation process to their clients' preferences. Praemium ensures you have the choice—whether you prefer the traditional approach of wet-signing or the modern convenience of digital signatures. You can still download and wet sign forms if you prefer the time-honoured ceremony of talking your clients through the process and handing over a Mont Blanc. But if you favour security, speed and convenience, then the preferred authorisation method for most clients and advisers will be digital.

Full digital form authorisation

With Praemium, digital approvals are straightforward. You can send a personalised invitation to your clients, who can then authorise the form.

They receive an email which links to their secure mobile app, where they can read the form and any accompanying documentation, such as a PDS, and provide their authorisation with the click of a button.

Apart from the convenience, this method has a couple of other key advantages.

  • Real-time tracking: Monitor acceptance status through your Adviser Portal, with alerts for completed approvals.
  • Easy reminders: Resend approval invitations if needed.
  • Compliance ready: approved forms are automatically saved online for compliance purposes.
  • Auto-submission: All approved forms are automatically forwarded to Praemium for processing.

The entire process is fast, secure and paperless.

Using a third-party eSignature provider

Some forms and documents are not in the Praemium portal for digital approval. But that doesn’t mean you have to bust out the paper and pen. We will accept digital signatures for Praemium forms, where permitted by law, from all the most popular third-party eSignature providers.

This means you can send a form to your client using a service such as Annature or DocuSign, then forward the form and signature receipt to Praemium for processing.

It’s fast, secure and oh-so-paperless.

Uploading your own document for your client’s approval

Digital approval doesn’t begin and end with Praemium forms. We built the tech, and we’ve shared it with you. If you have any document or form that you require your client to read and acknowledge, then simply upload it using the Adviser Portal Approvals screen and send a digital copy to your client.

They receive an email from you containing a link they can click to read and approve the request, all within their own secure Investor Portal.

Both the document and the approval are saved in your Approvals library, where you can view and retrieve them at any time.

Again, it’s fast, secure, and takes the pain out of filing yet more paper for compliance purposes.

More information

For our clients, a list of all our forms and which eSignature providers you can use is provided in the Praemium Help Centre.

For everyone else, if you’d like more information on our digital approval functionality and how it can speed up account maintenance and processing for your business, reach out to our team at 1800 571 881 or
