This Financial Services Guide (FSG) has been prepared and issued by (collectively, the Providing Entities):

  • Praemium Australia Limited (ABN 92 117 611 784, AFSL 297956) (PAL) as the operator of the Praemium Spectrum Investor Directed Portfolio Service (Praemium Spectrum), the responsible entity of the Separately Managed Accounts (ARSN 114 818 530) (Praemium SMA) and sponsor of the Praemium SMA Superannuation Fund (ABN 75 703 857 864) (Praemium Super), an APRA-regulated superannuation fund.
  • OneVue Wealth Services Ltd (ABN 70 120 380 627, AFSL 308868) (OneVue) as the operator of the Investor Directed Portfolio Service, the promoter of the YourChoice Super sub-fund of OneSuper (ABN 43 905 581 638) (OneSuper) and the responsible entity of the OneVue Managed Account (ARSN 112 517 656) (all OneVue Scheme), and
  • Powerwrap Limited (ABN 67 129 756 850, AFSL 329829) (PWL) as the responsible entity of the Powerwrap Scheme (ARSN 137 053 073) (Powerwrap Scheme).

Contact details:
Praemium Limited
ABN 74 098 405 826

Postal address
PO Box 322
Collins Street West MELBOURNE VIC 8007
General enquiries: 1800 571 881


The financial products and services offered by the Providing Entities, in most cases, are designed to be provided to you via your nominated financial adviser. Accordingly, any instructions or questions regarding the Providing Entities or their products and services should generally be directed to your nominated financial adviser. You can also contact the Providing Entities directly via the contact details above.

Purpose of this FSG

This is a consolidated FSG, issued by the Providing Entities and which has been prepared in accordance with the requirements of the Corporations Act Cth 2001 (Act). Under the Act, the Providing Entities are required to issue an FSG to give investors information about the financial products and services they offer. The purpose of this FSG is to assist investors in deciding whether to use the services and products offered by the Providing Entities.

The matters covered by the FSG include:
  • Information about the Providing Entities and how you can contact them;
  • What services and types of financial products the Providing Entities are authorised to provide you;
  • How the Providing Entities and other persons are remunerated; and
  • Details of the Providing Entities’ internal and external dispute resolution procedures.
Other documents you may receive

Retails clients are also entitled to receive certain disclosure documents when applying for a financial product or service, these may include:

  • an IDPS Guide;
  • a Combined IDPS Guide & Product Disclosure Statement; or
  • a Product Disclosure Statement.

These documents will inform you of other matters as required by the Act and the Corporations Regulations 2001 (Cth) (Regulations), including the nature and characteristics of the financial services and product that are being offered as well as risks, fees and costs and other prescribed disclosures.

Please read both the FSG and disclosure documents, relevant to your choice of financial service or product carefully before deciding to apply for services and products provided by the Providing Entities.

About the financial services and financial products offered by the Providing Entities

This FSG relates to the financial service of the provision of:

  • Praemium Separately Managed Accounts, a registered managed investment scheme;
  • Praemium SMA Superannuation Fund (as promoter, and not issuer);
  • Powerwrap Scheme, a registered managed investment scheme;
  • Praemium Spectrum Investor Directed Portfolio Service;
  • OneVue Managed Account, a registered managed investment scheme;
  • OneVue Investor Directed Portfolio Service; and
  • Your Choice Super Superannuation Fund (as promoter, and not issuer).

The Providing Entities are wholly owned subsidiaries of Praemium Limited, which is an ASX listed entity.

Other associations

Diversa Trustees Limited (ABN 49 006 421 638, AFSL 235153, RSE Licence No. L0000635) is the trustee for Praemium Super and OneSuper and each of PAL and OneVue have entered into sponsorship agreements with Diversa.

What Financial Services are the Providing Entities authorised to provide?

  OneVue Wealth Services Ltd Praemium Australia Ltd Powerwrap Ltd
AFS Licence number 308868 297956 329829
Providing general financial product advice
basic product products * * *
deposit products other than basic deposit products * * *
derivatives * *  
foreign exchange contracts *    
debentures, stocks or bonds issued or proposed to be issued by a government * * *
life risk insurance products as well as any products issued by a Registered Life Insurance Company that are backed by one or more of its statutory funds *   *
interests in managed investment schemes including IDPS * * *
securities and  * * *
superannuation *   *
Deal in a financial product by issuing, applying for, acquiring, varying or disposing of a financial product
derivatives *    
foreign exchange contracts *    
interests in managed investment schemes including IDPS * *  
own managed investment scheme     *
Deal in a financial product by arranging for another person to issue, apply for, acquire, vary or dispose of a financial product
Superannuation   *  
Deal in a financial product by applying for, acquiring, varying or disposing of a financial product on behalf of another person
basic deposit products * * *
deposit products other than basic deposit products * * *
derivatives * * *
foreign exchange contracts *    
debentures, stocks or bonds issued or proposed to be issued by a government * * *
life risk insurance products as well as any products issued by a Registered Life Insurance Company that are backed by one or more of its statutory funds *    
interests in managed investment schemes including IDPS * * *
securities and * * *
superannuation *    
Operate registered managed investment scheme (including the holding of any incidental property) in its capacity as responsible entity
schemes which holds derivatives and financial assets *    
schemes which holds financial assets   *  
IDPS-like schemes. *    
Powerwrap Scheme scheme (ARSN: 137 053 073), an IDPS-like scheme   * *
Separately Managed Accounts scheme (ARSN: 114 818 530)   *  
Operate custodial or depository services
IDPS * *  
Non - IDPS *    

How are the Providing Entities remunerated?

The remuneration received by the Providing Entities depends on the financial product or service you use and from which Providing Entity. The quantum of the remuneration is not, as at the date of this FSG, ascertainable.

Remuneration received by the Providing Entities may include fees for:

  • administering the Praemium SMA, Praemium Spectrum, the Powerwrap Scheme and the OneVue Managed Account (as applicable), which may include cash management fees, international securities fees, account keeping fees and portfolio management as well as a general expense recovery fee. Fees are generally based on a percentage of the value of your investment;
  • in respect of the Praemium Super and the OneSuper products, the Providing Entities may also charge fees that are approved by the trustee for certain services. The fees charged are for the recoupment of costs including costs for management of regulatory change, legal costs and custody costs; and
  • from third parties in connection with your investment in Premium financial products and services. Those fees and charges are outlined in the relevant disclosure documents . We may also be entitled to remuneration from financial institutions (including banks, fund managers, investment managers) that provide certain services to investors in Praemium financial products and service.

The disclosure documents for each financial product and financial service provides detailed information about fees and remuneration relating to that financial product or service. You may also request details of fees and remuneration via the above contact details. Each Providing Entity charges different fees and it is important to read the disclosure document relevant to the financial product or service you are applying for.

Your financial adviser may receive remuneration where they provide advice to you or otherwise arrange for you to acquire any of the Providing Entities’ products or services.

Payments to and from our related parties

A portion of the fees that are paid to us are provided to service providers that include related bodies corporate, usually based on the dollar amount you invested. The related party is Investment Gateway Pty Ltd (ABN 91 090 411 537) for providing managed fund administration services.


Employees of the Providing Entities receive a salary and do not receive remuneration, commissions or other benefits from any product issuers. They may be eligible for an
annual performance payment that is discretionary and based on reaching agreed performance levels.

Responsibilities for the financial products and services provided

PAL is responsible for all statements relating to it, its services and the Praemium SMA, Praemium Super and Praemium Spectrum.

Powerwrap is responsible for all statement relating to it, its services and the Powerwrap Scheme.

OneVue is responsible for all statements relating to it, its service and the OneVue Scheme and the OneSuper product.

Complaints and dispute resolution

Investigating your complaint

We value your relationship with your financial adviser and believe that open communication with them can often lead to quicker issue resolution. Therefore, we recommend that you consider discussing any concerns or issues with your financial adviser first, as they can provide valuable insights and assistance tailored to your specific financial situation.

Guide to making a complaint

The Providing Entities endeavour to provide the highest possible standards of service to all clients at all times and you are free at any time to make a complaint against the Providing Entities directly by contacting us on the details below

Praemium Customer Service
Tel: 1800 571 881


Praemium Complaints Handling Officer
Address: PO Box 322 Collins Street West, Melbourne, 8007

We are committed to resolving your complaint and encourage you to let us know if we can provide you with additional assistance in lodging your complaint. If you need support or help to make a complaint you can ask your financial adviser, family member or friend to contact us on your behalf. We need your permission to speak with anyone else about your complaint, this can be verbally or in writing.

If you have a hearing or speech impediment, you can use the National Relay Service:

  • TTY (Text Telephone) users – Phone 133 677, then ask to be put through to 1800 571 881
  • Speak and Listen (speech to speech relay) users – Phone 1300 555 727, then ask to be put through to 1800 571 881
  • Internet Relay users – Can visit the National Relay Service website

If you require translation assistance, you can contact the Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS). The TIS provides translation and interpreting services for people where English is not their primary language. TIS can be contacted on 131 450, or you can visit their website here.

The Providing Entities are committed to promptly acknowledging all verbal and written complaints as soon as practicable, and in any case within 24 hours (or one business day) of receiving it. We typically acknowledge complaints in writing but will endeavour to acknowledge your complaint through your preferred method of communication (e.g. verbally or in writing).

We aim to resolve all complaints as soon as possible. If we require more information from you to resolve the matter, we will make a request through your preferred method of communication (e.g. verbally or in writing). When our investigations are complete, we will send you a final response letter that explains the results of our investigation and what action we propose to take.

In certain instances involving complex facts or circumstances, the resolution process may exceed the relevant response timeframes. Nonetheless, we are committed to providing you with regular updates on the progress of your complaint.

Response timeframes
Compliant Type Responses Timeframe
Standard Complaints Within 30 calendar days after receiving the complaint.
Superannuation Complaints (excluding death benefits) Within 45 calendar days after receiving the complaint
Death benefit distributions Within 90 calendar days after the expiry of the 28-day calendar day period for objecting to a proposed death benefit distribution
Australian Financial Complaints Authority (AFCA)

Each of the Providing Entities is a member of the Australian Financial Complaints Authority (AFCA). If an issue has not been resolved to your satisfaction, you can lodge a complaint with AFCA. AFCA provides fair and independent financial services complaint resolution that is free to consumers.

Telephone: 1800 931 678 (free call)
In writing to: Australian Financial Complaints Authority, GPO Box 3, Melbourne VIC 3001


The Providing Entities have compensation arrangements that satisfy section 912B of the Act, including professional indemnity insurance which covers the financial services and products provided by the Providing Entities.
