A high standard of Corporate Governance

Praemium's Board has adopted a corporate governance framework by which the Group and all its employees are required to operate. The framework guidelines provide assistance to:

  • The Board and all employees in defining their roles, responsibilities and conduct.
  • The Company in complying with its regulatory and legislative requirements.
  • The framework’s values require the Company to:
  • Provide staff with a challenging, rewarding and safe working environment.
  • Deliver excellent service to customers.
  • Conduct our business in a responsible and ethical manner.
  • Maximise the value of shareholder investment.

Praemium continually reviews and updates its corporate governance practices and complies with the ASX Corporate Governance Council's Corporate Governance Principles and Recommendations. Details are outlined in the Corporate Governance Statement of our Annual Report.

Corporate Governance Statement

Policies & Charters

We set high standards of behaviour for our directors and staff.  The following documents outline the ethical requirements for Praemium’s Board and Group employees.

Whistleblower Policy

The board of directors of Praemium Ltd and our Executive Leadership Team are committed to a culture of professionalism, honesty and integrity and encourage our people to speak up and highlight any concerns.

Speaking up to your leader, the Risk and Compliance team or the People and Culture team is encouraged in the first instance. If you don’t feel comfortable or safe doing this, our whistleblower program is another mechanism to do this and encourages, protects and supports responsible reporting of wrongdoing, including fraud, corrupt conduct, questionable accounting and inappropriate workplace behaviour.  The whistleblowing hotline is provided by an external and independent provider, who will bring your information or concerns to our prompt attention while keeping your information and identity confidential. Contact details below:

Telephone:    1800 962 042

Email:            praemiumwhistleblowing@pkf.com.au

Web portal:   https://www.pkftalkintegrity.com/?pps


The following documents outline the responsibilities, functions and composition of Praemium's Board and its sub-committees.


Audit, Risk & Compliance

Praemium and its subsidiaries are audited by Grant Thornton Audit Pty Ltd.

Shareholder Communications

Praemium provides shareholders with access to its securities information through Link Market Services Limited. We encourage all shareholders to be kind to our environment by opting to receive annual reports, notices of meeting, proxy forms and other formal communications electronically. Shareholders can update their communication details via the company’s share registry link. Praemium’s market announcements can also be viewed via the ASX website.
